Thursday 1 November 2018

motherly swap (request)

Part 1)
Part 2)

(some requests for jose, perhaps I have the same issue where I burnt out over requests? hmmm)

Pokemon - Team Spirit! (parts 1-3)

Part 1)
Part 2)
Part 3)

(I really should resume this one sometime...)

Update (im not dead)

Hey all, Ok so firstly a few things. yes I know I haven't uploaded in a while, don't worry there's no real major reason for that, it was just a matter of free time and my own procrastination. though fear not, in my time away I still resumed capping all though at a far slower rate, My plan is to resume the blog though uploads may be intermittent, but with that being said here's all the work I've done whilst away, enjoy! :3